Thursday, October 17, 2019

Data Collection Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Data Collection Proposal - Essay Example (2006). The difference between primary and secondary sources of data is crucial in social research. Primary sources are data which are unpublished; that is, the researcher has gathered them directly from the target individuals or organization. Primary data include data from fieldwork, interviews, and unpublished documents like minutes of meetings. On the other hand, secondary data are any data which a researcher has gathered that have been published before. Secondary data include previously published books, journal articles, and newspaper articles. Mixed method that includes qualitative and quantitative data will be used in this research. Qualitative data will used determine if Bariatric surgery put patient at long term risk and complications of weight. Quantitative data will be used in determining the number of patients who responded differently when put under Bariatric surgery. Primary data will be collected from healthcare providers with information on new devices, drugs, delivery systems, and software for managing patients who have undergone Bariatric surgery. All the legal and ethical issues were taken into consideration as stipulated by law. 50 patients who had undergone Bariatric surgery will be randomly sampled from the information provided by the healthcare providers. This will provide a sufficiently large but feasible number to use in the analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis will be used to analyze the data. This will help in explaining how the data look, (by giving the minimum and maximum values), the what the centre point of the data is (by giving the mean), and how spread out the data may be related to one of more aspects (by giving the standard

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