Saturday, October 19, 2019

Media Ownership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Media Ownership - Essay Example The essay "Media Ownership" talks about the position and power of media in the society and in the country and if its ownership and functioning should be more strictly regulated by laws. Naturally, the media has been tagged as an avenue for entertaining, informing and educating the public. This is a generalized conception that has been accepted and practiced in several areas of the world. But there cannot also be any denial of the fact that in some other parts of the world and in realistic scenarios, the media have been a platform for the promotion of social injustice, misinformation, hyping of political tension, incitement of violence and so on. Lately, and with the introduction of social media, much discussion has even gone on about sanity on the various media platform in adherence of core moral and social values. With all such concerns, the ownership of media cannot be left unattended and so the ownership of media should indeed be well regulated and if possible limited. Presently in America, there is a developing trend where a lot of foreign nationals have taken over the ownership and running of media houses. The activities of such foreign nationals and global corporations are seen in the operation of media outlets including newspapers, television, and radio. Such freedoms lead to the deepening of freedom democratic practice of the American press. Though there are also the negative effects, which includes the use of such global corporations in the sabotage of the core aims, visions, and aspirations of the American people.

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