Friday, October 4, 2019

I need 1 page outlines for assignment topic (Effects of using

I need 1 page outlines for topic (Effects of using technology on the academic achievement and adaptive behaviour of students with intellectual disabilities in primary schools) - Assignment Example The qualitative data will be obtained and subjected to the statistical analysis in order to give more detailed inference. The qualitative data will include both primary and secondary data According to Hardman, Drew and Egan (2011, p. 23), assistive technology offers an opportunity for the disabled to demonstrate their mastery of skills and achievement of knowledge without unfair and limited restriction because of their disabilities just like their normal peers. Lane & Bundy (2012, p. 45) asserts that assistive technology also encourages the access of those with disability to the assessment programs and to the more challenging programs and courses. Paris (2008, p. 36) conjectures that assistive technology should not alter the learning of the intellectually impaired students. Donders and Hunter (2010, p. 67) asserts that the applicants of this assistive technology should not permit or intend to offer an unfair advantage to those with disabilities over those taking the tests and have standardized conditions. Turkington and Harris (2006, p. 43) claim that assistive technology should not invalidate results or alter the construct of the learning of the disabled students. The assistive technology should also not substitute the abilities or knowledge that the students have not received. According to Bley, Thornton and Bley (2007, p. 72), assistive technology is significant for students and are for flexibility and changes in method of response, timing, scheduling, method of response, and settings in the administration of the disabled student literacy assessments (Gargiulo and Metcalf 2013, p. 39). This assistive technology should be suitable and meet individual needs of the vulnerable students, used in a fair way, and offered in a given assessment situation. According to Knoff (2006, p. 32), large print or Braille version of test is appropriate for those with severe visual impairment or the blind. The

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